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Presentations & Resources

Thanks to the continued support of Lehigh and Northampton counties, we will be providing videos of some of our most popular single session programs and resources. Check back frequently for new videos as they are added.

Gracias al apoyo continuo de los condados de Lehigh y Northampton, proporcionaremos videos de algunos de nuestros programas y recursos de sesión única más populares. Vuelve para ver los nuevos videos a medida que se agregan.


Online Program Calendar

CHC Resource Guide

CHC Online Program Privacy Notice

Lehigh County Homepage

Lehigh County Drug and Alcohol Resources

Northampton County Homepage

Northampton County Drug and Alcohol




Mock Teen Bedroom

Throughout the year, you might see CHC’s signature Mock Teen Bedroom at various indoor/outdoor community events, health fairs, school open houses and parents’ nights.  It seems like a typical teenager’s bedroom, but look more closely and what you find will shock you. What looks like an ordinary item, such as a water bottle or hairbrush, may actually be a “diversion safe,” used to stash drugs and drug-related paraphernalia.

The MTB display is an interactive educational resource to help parents and caregivers learn about household products that can be used to get high, how to identify commonly used drug paraphernalia, and ways drugs and items might be concealed in the home.  For more information or to schedule the Mock Teen Bedroom for your event or workplace, contact CHC’s Community Engagement Manager, Lisa Wolff, at 610-443-1595 ext. 36.  


Mock Teen Car

Suicide Prevention Bracelet Intro

What is SAP?