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Public Online Programs Calendar

We apologize for and appreciate your patience with any technical difficulties we have as we launch this new method of program delivery. Please visit this page frequently as we will be updating with new offerings!

October 10–16 2021

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Tuesday, October 12, 2021
5:30 pm8:30 pm
Zoom Meeting

Anger Management

Anger is an emotion with which most people are familiar. What many may not realize is that anger is often used as a way to avoid dealing with uncomfortable feelings, such as fear or sadness. CHC’s Anger Management program helps participants recognize and understand underlying reasons for their anger, as well as identify triggers and warning signs. Additionally, attendees learn the role of anger in alcohol and drug addiction and practical, peaceful techniques for controlling reactions to challenges and managing stress.

To register, please click "Register Now"

Saturday, October 16, 2021
9:00 am12:00 pm
Zoom Meeting

Anger Management

Anger is an emotion with which most people are familiar. What many may not realize is that anger is often used as a way to avoid dealing with uncomfortable feelings, such as fear or sadness. CHC’s Anger Management program helps participants recognize and understand underlying reasons for their anger, as well as identify triggers and warning signs. Additionally, attendees learn the role of anger in alcohol and drug addiction and practical, peaceful techniques for controlling reactions to challenges and managing stress.

To register, please click "Register Now"